Spring is The Season of Starting Over


In Southeast Minnesota, spring has finally arrived. It's a great feeling, isn't it? We hope you're enjoying the trees starting to green, listening to birds chirping and going outside in above-freezing weather.

Spring can feel spiritual to many people. It's the season that is marked by newness – something you might be feeling in your recovery, too. You've gone from the depths of despair in addiction to the breath of fresh air in recovery. This is no small feat.  

So no matter where you are in your journey, embrace all the lessons spring has to offer. Whether that means starting over and getting sober, or embracing a new recovery challenge, here are a few places to start:

  1. Sit still and breathe.
    Quiet moments will bring peace to your life and can serve as a reminder to slow down and stop thinking, talking or moving for a second. It's difficult to know where and how to start over if you don't give yourself a break to breathe. This spring, start small – and start there. Find a quiet place and remind yourself to slow down.
  2. Take an inventory.
    Think about what's working in your recovery – and what's not. Take an hour, sit outside with a pen and paper and start writing out your thoughts about where you are. Notice any areas you want to change? New challenges you've been thinking about? Writing them down will help you foster a habit of self-awareness, an important skill to have as you continue growing in your recovery.
  3. Ask for help.
    As you find areas of your life or recovery you want to change, don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help. For some, this might mean making the decision to go to treatment. For others, this could mean reaching out to a sober peer to spark up a new friendship. No matter what, know that recovery is best lived in community – and it's always okay to ask for help.

On tough days, as the seasons change, find your motivation from nature. Just as the trees, birds, and plants are all starting over, you can do the same thing in your life, too.

It's never too late to start over.

Common Ground is a treatment service provider, offering outpatient treatment in Rochester, Winona and Red Wing. Contact us today to start your journey and schedule a chemical use assessment. We promise to meet you where you are, no matter what.